Wednesday, December 2, 2009

poemics and mailart

I just got a beautiful mailart from Deborah Davidson. I feel I must do something about it, so I'm creating this blog. Deborah has posted my mailart here, that's how I got the tiger! it was worth it. well, I've learned how to make my own japanese style seal thanks to the information on her blog - the symbol I use is a "szren", which can also be typed as -.^ and which is based on the shape of my left eyebrow. you can see more examples of szrens here, here or here :).

as I am a poemic artist, I would like to use this blog to promote poemics. I am not planning to do too much of mailart, but anyway, if I find an interesting project where a poemic strip placed on a postcart could be accepted, I might try to participate. and if you want to send me a piece of your mailart, especially when elements of comics and poetry are put together (I mean comics and poetry in a wider sense, this can simply be words on an image, or text in comic frames), please let me know somehow (for example by e-mail: pszren(at)wp(dot)pl. I will be glad to make a photo of it and place it here. I hope you don't mind me making photos of me reading your mailart. or perhaps I should just scan it? anyway, let's do something. all the best to you!

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